The “Pangolin still endangered” campaign organized by CHANGE and WildAid has released the Public Service Announcement (PSA) to call out to the community to raise awareness and change their behaviors to protect endangered pangolins from illegal poaching and consumption.
According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature report (IUCN), more than 1 million pangolins have been illegally traded in just ten years, making them the most trafficked mammals in the world. The IUCN estimates that a Pangolin is captured from the wild every 5 minutes, culminating over 200.000 annually.
This PSA is the kick-off activity of the “Pangolin still endangered” campaign, namely: “Pangolin Not-So-Breaking News“. Facing the circumstance that many people still lack interest in the urgent state of pangolins, the “Pangolin Not-So-Breaking News” was created to present information that is not new but alarming about data on the seizure and trade of pangolin in and outside of Vietnam.
With this PSA, CHANGE and WildAid want to connect the pangolin to the public by introducing him as a reporter – Reporter Pangolin. The pangolin has transformed into a reporter to raise the alarm and call the community to help him and his fellows from extinction.
Sincerely, thanks to the Pangolin Crisis Fund, Embassy of the Netherlands, and our media partners: Chicilon Media, Movad, Dinosaur Vietnam, and exclusive media sponsor TikTok for supporting and accompanying activities under the campaign “Pangolin still endangered”.